Israeli earthquake prediction system put into use worldwide

Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-16 03:44:39|Editor: yan
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JERUSALEM, July 15 (Xinhua) -- An earthquake prediction system invented by an Israeli company will be put into use in several Asian and European countries, Israeli technology website Geektime reported Sunday.

The system, developed by Israeli start-up SeismicAI, is based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, seismologist algorithms and hardware.

SeismicAI, based in the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv, uses artificial intelligence which collects data from frequent small earthquakes to predict stronger ones.

The company's seismic station is built from sensors that can detect waves of earthquakes. The system checks the ground 500 times per second, and the information is processed in real time.

When earthquakes are detected, the station will send a signal to the company's system which alerts the control centers, and citizens will receive warning messages on their smartphones to get prepared accordingly.

The system is also capable of ordering the closure of gas pipelines, power turbines and petrochemical plants, as well as stopping rail traffic.