GWANGJU, South Korea, July 13 (Xinhua) -- Following are the 10m synchronized diving results at the 18th FINA World Champions in Gwangju, South Korea on Saturday:
1. Lian Junjie/Si Yajie, China, 346.14 points
2. Ekaterina Beliaeva/Viktor MiniBaev, Russia, 311.28
3. Maria Jose Sanchez Moreno/Jose Balleza, Mexico, 287.64
4. Noah Williams/Robyn Birch, Britain, 285.18
5. Olivia Rosendahl/Zachary Cooper, United States, 267.96
6. Maicol Verzotto/Noemi Batki, Italy, 259.62
7. Kim Ji-wook/Kwon Ha-lim, South Korea, 247.20
8. Ingrid Oliveira/Isaac Souza Filho, Brazil, 239.46